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Safety Rules Young Drivers Need To Know About

While the subjects mentioned in this article aren’t applicable just to young drivers, there are many incidents of those under 21 falling foul of these driving laws.Insurance for young drivers can be expensive, and in part this is due to the high number of crashes and instances of law-breaking amongst new and young drivers in the UK. Keep reading to discover some of the most common offences and the penalties that can be imposed.

Driving without insurance

At the end of June 2011 new laws came into force for all drivers in the UK regarding insurance. Whether you’re a young driver or have been driving for 30 years, there are now stiffer penalties in place for having an uninsured vehicle.Insurance advisory letters are now being sent out to anyone whose vehicle isn’t insured. If you’re a young driver with no car insurance and don’t take any action after receiving one of these letters you could be faced with the following;

Driving and mobile phone use


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