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Guide On Cheap Driving Insurance And Pass Plus

One of the things young drivers can do to reduce their new driver insurance costs is to take the Pass Plus course after passing their driving test.

What is Pass Plus?

Pass Plus is a driver training course aimed specifically at new drivers. Whether you’re a young driver or have passed your test later in life, the Pass Plus course will be useful.

The course consists of six different modules which build on the theory and practical skills you developed while training for your driving test.

What will you learn?

New drivers may have passed the driving test but that doesn’t mean they’re well equipped to cope with driving on different types of road and in different conditions.

The six Pass Plus modules are as follows and are particularly useful for young drivers with little experience on the roads.


Many new drivers may pass their test having never driven at night or on rural roads, depending on when they had their lessons and their location.

Why is it useful?


Unfortunately, young drivers are killed on the UK’s roads every year because of their inexperience and inability to cope with unusual situations when they present themselves.

The Pass Plus course shouldn’t be seen as an unnecessary expense, rather an investment in your driving skills which will make you safer on the roads and allow you to access cheap insurance for young drivers.

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