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A Guide To Pink Diamonds At Any Age

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Diamonds are usually sparkling white but because of the presence of several impurities, the color can change to some other hues like rose gold, blue, yellow, red, and others. However, there is one color variant of the diamond that does not contain even an ounce of impurity and yet, it has a pinkish hue. This is the pink diamond- a popular rare gem that is used in several kinds of jewelry, all thanks to the beauty and elegance of the gem. 

It is because of this popularity that people now are looking for buying the best pink diamond in the market. But it’s not easy because these diamonds come with various color grades, clarity, and others. This is why having a proper guide will help a lot, especially when you know that you are putting a lot of money at stake for buying this gem variant. 

In this article, we have come forth with a wonderful buying guide that will help you to get the best pink-hued diamonds without having to compromise with the brightness, fanciness, and clarity of the stone. 

Learn everything about the GIA color grades for the pink diamond 

The first thing to understand about the pink diamonds is the color grades. The pink hue is the dominating color but sometimes, some secondary undertones are present as that of purple, red, and even white. The intensity and strength of the pink hue have to lead to the establishment of different GIA color grades for the gem. These are: 

  • Faint grade where the diamond almost looks like white from a far-off distance 
  • The very light grade is the one where the pink hue is present only in small intensity
  • Light diamonds and fancy light are almost the same where the intensity of the hue is like glass pink 
  • Fancy diamonds will have an average intensity and strength of the color
  • Fancy intense is the deeper version f the pink diamond with a prominent intensity
  • Fancy vivid is the deepest hue concentration with the highest GIA grade.

Understand the levels of diamond clarity 

Clarity of the diamond is one of the most important factors to consider. Often people forget about learning clarity after choosing a high grade diamond with bright colors. However, that’s a major mistake because without enough clarity the diamond will decrease in value later on in the future.

Decide the cut and size of the diamond

Pink diamonds are mainly used in different kinds of jewelry. Hence, if you want to buy the diamonds, first you have to decide what kind of jewelry you want to make with this gem. After that, you have to look for a perfect size and shape of the stone as per the suitability of the jewelry design. 

Consider the diamond price rates 

Lastly, you need to look at the price rate of the pink diamond which will depend on the clarity, color grade, size, and purity of the gem. It is very essential to ensure that the price of the gem is within your affordable range. This will ensure that no financial problems can occur later on at the time of purchase. 

Here, in this article, we have discussed the top facts you need to consider at the time of buying a pink diamond. So, make sure to go through the guide and then decide the color and clarity you want along with your budget. 

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